Looking for a couple of seasoned riders, a small group or confident soloist, willing to ride the Dunwich Dynamo from the rear in exchange for free bus rides back to London and a generous cash allowance for breakfast, tyres and chains. A strong change of pace as you get into Suffolk will allow you to get back into the ride.
The job is to pick up the battery-powered tea-lights that mark the route from Tylers Green, North Weald Bassett (30 km from Hackney) to Sudbury (99 km from Hackney). Depart London around 23:30, follow the route, if you catch people you can ride with them, or pass by warning them that the tea-lights will soon be gone.
old skool goes out with wind and rain, in dry weather makes you worry about burning down Essex…
What you will find nowadays. less romantic, more reliable, safer and easier to carry…
You have the option to help any under-prepared pilgrims struggling with punctures or other mechanicals but this is optional depending on your skills and confidence. The priority is cleaning up the lights. They are not bulky or heavy or hot. You have the choice to bin them or – if they are shining bright when you switch them off – bring them to the finish to twinkle again next year.
It’s much easier to collect the lights while it’s still dark so plan to get to Sudbury by at least 04:00.
Beyond Sudbury you can ride free and fast into and through the great parade of foolishness, encouraging the people getting full value from the event who you catch in the misty morning.
Good knowledge of the route is very useful but not essential if you can read a route-sheet.
Anyone interested please contact me for more information.